Mamp Website

What does MAMP stand for? As you may guess, MAMP stands for Macintosh (to be the OS), Apache (an open-source webserver), MySQL (the most famous database that WordPress sites use), and PHP (the programming language). More deeply, it is a free application that you can install on your Mac to access the local Apache server. Hi i'm a newbie to Apple products, I installed MAMP on my Mac and now have no idea where the default folder where all the html files are put go to. Also new to web development.

With XAMPP (Windows)

  • Locate your hosts file. In Windows XP, this file is located in C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetc. Different versions of Windows may store the file in a different directory. And depending on your Windows setup, you might need to be logged in as an administrator to modify the hosts file.
  • Open the file with a plain text editor (like Notepad++ or Sublime Text). In the hosts file, you should see something similar:
Mamp Website

Right below the line localhost, enter your domain name information. Example:

  • Put all your website files in a folder “mysite” (for example) and put it in C:xampphtdocs like this C:xampphtdocsmysite.
  • Go to C:xamppapacheconf
  • Open httpd.conf file using a plain text editor (like Notepad++ or Sublime Text) and if you have a “#” before Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf, remove it by changing:


i.e. uncomment the line so that it can includes the virtual hosts file.

  • Go to C:xamppapacheconfextra and open httpd-vhosts.conf file using a plain text editor (like Notepad++ or Sublime Text) and add the following code:
  • If not already open, open XAMPP control panel and start Apache.
  • Go to the URL: http://mysite.local/
  • You are done.

With WAMP (Windows)

Same steps as that of XAMPP just change the paths according to WAMP which corresponds to path in XAMPP.

  • Locate your hosts file. In Windows XP, this file is located in C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetc. Different versions of Windows may store the file in a different directory. And depending on your Windows setup, you might need to be logged in as an administrator to modify the hosts file.
  • Open the file with a plain text editor (like Notepad++ or Sublime Text). In the hosts file, you should see something similar:

Right below the line localhost, enter your domain name information. Dvd cloner 6 free download. Example:

  • Put all your website files in a folder “mysite” (for example) and put it inC:wampwww like this C:wampwwwmysite.
  • Go to C:wampbinapacheapacheX.X.XXconf
  • Open httpd.conf file using a plain text editor (like Notepad++ or Sublime Text) and if you have a “#” before Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf, remove it by changing:

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i.e. uncomment the line so that it can includes the virtual hosts file.

  • Go to C:wampbinapacheapacheX.X.XXconfextra and open httpd-vhosts.conf file using a plain text editor (like Notepad++ or Sublime Text) and add the following code:
  • Restart your server.
  • Go to the URL: http://mysite.local/
  • You are done.

With MAMP (Mac OS)

The easiest way to set up virtual hosts in MAMP is to use the commercial version of MAMP, which automates the process through the MAMP Pro console. However, if you don’t want to buy MAMP Pro, it’s quite simple to do it manually by editing two files. You need to be logged in as a Mac administrator to edit the files.

  • Locate your hosts file. This file is located in /etc/hosts. You might need to be logged in as an administrator to modify the hosts file.
  • Open your console in mac and edit your hosts file like this:
  • This opens a system file that contains the following line:
  • add your desired host name after local host:
  • Press ESC, then :wq! to overwrite and close the file.
  • Put all your website files in a folder “mysite” (for example) and put it in/Users/MyUsername/ like this /Users/MyUsername/mysite.
  • Go to /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/
  • Open httpd.conf file using a plain text editor (like Notepad++ or Sublime Text) and if you have a “#” before Include /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf, remove it by changing:


i.e. uncomment the line so that it can includes the virtual hosts file.

  • Go to /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/ and open httpd-vhosts.conf file using a plain text editor (like Notepad++ or Sublime Text) and add the following code:
  • Restart your server.
  • Note: If your URLs seem to be broken make sure to set AllowOverride to “All” in the Apache config file: /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/httpd.conf (It’s around line number 206).
  • Go to the URL: http://mysite.local/
  • You are done.



A WordPress developer has their life enveloped in test environments, with themes, websites, and plugins always on their mind. They are responsible for both back-end and front-end development and programming and planning the aesthetics of the screen. To choose the ideal development environment is crucial in such a scenario. There are several environments available for the WordPress web development company including XAMPP, MAMP and DesktopServer.

And since choosing a setup is a complicated task, you need to thoroughly analyze your needs and options before zeroing in on one tool.

The ideal development tool should be the one that lets you work on your skills and development needs without causing permanent effects on the end-product without your wish or knowledge. This influences your workflow; thus, you should have a clear idea of the features on offer.

XAMPP Vs MAMP Vs DesktopServer – Benefits of Using the Right WordPress Development Server

There are several benefits to using the right local server for WordPress development. You get better and faster performance, along with cloud-based hosting for hassle-free backup and usage.
It makes your work more secure and does not interfere with live servers to create bugs. You will also get quick access to all development tools. Thus, it does a lot of the heavy lifting for you, leaving you free to tinker with themes and plugins.

Key Features of WordPress Development Tools

Mamp Website

Map Website Windows 10

The ideal local server should be easy to use and manage. It should let you make changes to the development sites without going through tedious tasks like transferring files and saving work. Most importantly, it should not hamper the functioning of a live web server.

Several computers are equipped with WordPress without needing separate servers, but having a dedicated local environment is extremely beneficial.

· It supports multiple websites, so you can set up several concurrent websites and work on multiple projects at once.
· It can work with independent environments (like PHP5, PHP 7, and MySQL) for each site, thus allowing you to compartmentalize your work without any issues.
· It can help you map the local websites to suitable domain names via an easy process.
· It lets you add and delete new WordPress projects easily without setting up new environments manually after each testing.
· It provides a platform that is user-friendly, fast, and very useful for multiple projects.

Among the most popular WordPress servers are XAMPP, MAMP, and DesktopServer. But how would you know which one is the right choice for you? Luckily, we are here to help you with an insightful XAMPP Vs MAMP Vs DesktopServer comparision.


XAMPP is one of the most popular PHP development environments. It stands for Apache, MariaDB, PHP, and Perl and comes in regular XAMPP and XAMPP-VM variants. XAMPP installs the software in a computer directory, whereas XAMPP-VM helps set up your work on a Linux Virtual Machine.
XAMPP is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. It provides standalone installers for Content Management Systems (CMS), rather than installing WordPress itself.

To start with this server, you have to set up the stack, check your services, and create a WordPress site database. You will then need to download the latest CMS, unpack it, and start manual configuration for a few files. After this, you can run the installer and map your new site to a domain.

· Multiple XAMPP versions to choose from
· Offers VM-based local experience for WordPress
· Lets you set up software stacks for Apache, MariaDB, Perl, and PHP
· Easy to use for manual setup and installation
· Offers a dashboard tool for all your new services
· Fully open-source with no premium version

About MAMP

MAMP stands for My Apache, MySQL, and PHP and is quite similar to XAMPP. You also set up a stack, create a database, and then set up WordPress manually. However, MAMP is not available for Linux-based systems.

You can choose among its multiple versions based on the PHP version you want to set up. MAMP also offers software like Python, Perl, and phpMyAdmin to provide more options for creating local websites and apps.

· Lets you set up stacks in Apache, MySQL, and PHP
· Provides options to set up WordPress manually
· Gives a wide range of programming language choices
· Easier to use and more suitable for beginners
· Has both free and paid versions with regular updates
· MAMP Pro has Nginx server support, a built-in editor, and a mobile testing tool

About DesktopServer

Another popular tool for WordPress development, DesktopServer, works for both Windows and macOS. It lets you create local WordPress websites through its step-by-step tool. However, you have to register and download the tool before using it.
DesktopServer is arguably the easiest development tool for beginners. It installs all required software automatically when you download oy. Hence, you have everything you need to power WordPress locally. To create each website, you have to re-run the program then.

You have the freedom to choose the WordPress version and domain name for your site. Overall, it is a highly utilitarian tool with secure and reliable support. DesktopServer has a premium version as well, with additional offerings.

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· Has a wizard to set up new local websites
· Enables you to map domains and add or delete sites at any time
· Supports up to three local sites on the free version
· Lets you set up stacks with Apache, MySQL, and PHP 5.5
· Simple and easy to use for beginners.

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XAMPP vs MAMP vs DesktopServer

While all three development environments work towards achieving the same goal, there are a few differences between them.
In terms of features, DesktopServer is more limited than XAMPP and MAMP. It only supports an Apache server running PHP 5 and MySQL. Grand theft auto 4 unlock code. At the same time, DesktopServer is more user-friendly than the other two, but it is costlier.
MAMP does not offer standalone installers for WordPress and is less customizable than XAMPP. Its dashboard also has fewer options compared to the latter. However, MAMP is easier to manage than XAMPP, whereas XAMPP offers higher levels of customization.

All these features may be confusing for you. So, you can refer to the table for clarity.

This comparative table should give you a clear idea about which WordPress development tool suits your specific needs.

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WordPress development is not a piece of cake. Hence, these tools play an important role in ensuring you get the best out of your task. Several websites, like Uplers, provide WordPress web development services for your aid. If you need help in creating your own environment, check to choose the right server, or seek an expert’s help.