Ssh Types

As someone who knows little about cryptography, I wonder about the choice I make when creating ssh-keys. Ssh-keygen -t type, where type is either of dsa,rsa and ecdsa. Googling can give some information about differences between the types, but not anything conclusive.

  1. Ssh Types
  2. Typescript Ssh Tunnel
  3. Types Ssh-keygen
  4. Ssh Packet Types
  5. Ssh Typeset Function
  6. Ssh Types Of Authentication
  7. Ssh Types Key


This week we're gonna dive into SSH and, to a lesser extent, OpenSSL.

SSH Key Types and Cryptography: The Short Notes Key Exchange. A glossed over version of the key exchange, has the client and the server share some information (eg. The symmetric key created during the key exchange step is now used to encrypt and decrypt the rest of the. Types of SSH connection errorHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: thanks & praise to God, and with thanks to the. In order for an SSH session to work, both client and server must support the same version of the SSH protocol. Modern clients will support SSH 2.0, as SSH 1.0 has identified flaws. After coming to a consensus on which protocol version to follow, both machines negotiate a per-session symmetric key to encrypt the connection from the outside. Now, when a user types ssh their SSH client will not even try to resolve locally, but instead will establish a connection to which will forward it to within its VPC.

Today we're going to cover everything that you wanted to know(or at least that I wanted to know)about SSH Public Keys but were too afraid to ask(well, except that you're obviously asking now)and that your parents wouldn't tell you anyway(mostly because they had no idea).

In short, the text format (RFC 4253) is like this: (or

For example:

And the binary format looks like this:


As to what that means, well, it's all explained below!

But First: Private Keys

Update: It used to be that OpenSSH used the same standard DER/ASN.1formats as OpenSSL for private keys. Now, however, OpenSSH has its ownprivate key format (no idea why), and can be compiled with or without supportfor standard key formats.

It's a very natural assumption that because SSH public keys (ending in .pub)are their own special format that the private keys (which don't end in .pemas we'd expect) have their own special format too.

However, they're actually in the same stardard formats that OpenSSL uses.

If you want more info check this out:

Public Keys: What you see

As you (a reader of this article) have probably already found out(hence you're here), SSH public keys are not standard OpenSSL keys,but rather a special format and are suffixed with .pub.

A typical will look like this:

Traditionally SSH uses RSA for keys (as seen above), which is what you'll likely see on your Macbook.

However, it's quite likely that when you're connecting to a Linux server running a newer version ofOpenSSH you'll get a message about an ECDSA fingerprint the first time you connect.

The ECDSA keys are much shorter than RSA, thoughjust as secure, if not moreso,and the format is about the same:

Here's the general format for all SSH public keys:

What you don't see

If you take the key apart it's actually very simple and easy to convert. It looks like this:


Want to see on online demo?

RSA key caveats

In ASN.1 / DER format the RSA key is prefixed with 0x00 whenthe high-order bit (0x80) is set.

SSH appears to use this format.

After running thousands of automated iterations of ssh-keygen I can say this with certainty:

  • The 3rd element of the SSH key is the RSA n value (given)
  • The 1st byte (0-index) of the 3rd element always begins with 0x00
  • The 2nd byte (1-index) of the 3rd element is never less that 0x90 (144 or 10010000)

Thus a 2048-bit key actually has only 2046-bits bits in its keyspace(which was already only about 256 bits in practice anyway because only probable primes are used).

I'd like to repeat this with OpenSSL to ensure that it holds trueand see how ssh-keygen converts such a number to SSH format (i.e. 0x00 padding)if it doesn't hold true. My best guess is that it does.

I believe that the exponent is limited to a 32-bit integer, buthonestly I don't care since all practical applications use 0x10001(that being 65537 or 10000000000000001).

EC key caveats

The EC key is begins with 0x04 which is a throw-away byte that meansthe key is in x+y or uncompressed format.

(compressed format is smaller, as omits the derivable y value, but requiresmore implementation details to use - namely deriving y - so it is most oftenincluded in order to kepp things simplicity)

If it's a P-256 key then the next 32 bytes (256 bits) are the x value and theremaining 32 bytes are the y value. For P-384 length of each is 48 bytes(384 bits).

Either way the keys are padded with 0x00 up to the length of the key,so you can strip those away (and for some formats, such as JWK, you must strip them).

Go forth and do!

From here, with the right vocabulary and a high- (and low-) level understanding,it should be pretty easy to find examples any specific ssh-keygen commands onStackOverflow and even write your own parser/packer combo as I did:ssh-parser (demo),ssh-packer (demo).

Bonus Material!

Just a few more things, in case you're interested:

Ssh Types

(and with any luck those will lead you further down a few rabbit holes)

By AJ ONeal
Thanks! It's really motivating to know that people like you are benefiting from what I'm doing and want more of it. :)

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(you can learn about the bigger picture I'm working towards on my patreon page )

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SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol that provides file access, file transfer, and file management over any reliable data stream. It was designed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as an extension of the Secure Shell protocol (SSH) version 2.0 to provide secure file transfer capabilities.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Logic AppsStandardAll Logic Apps regions and Integration Service Environments (ISEs)
Power AutomateStandardAll Power Automate regions except the following:
- US Government (GCC High)
Power AppsStandardAll Power Apps regions except the following:
- US Government (GCC High)
URLMicrosoft LogicApps Support
Microsoft Power Automate Support
Microsoft Power Apps Support
Connector Metadata

Trigger limits

The triggers work by polling the SFTP file system, and looking for any file which has been modified since the last poll, comparing files by modification time. Certain tools allow the file modification time to be preserved. In such cases, you need to disable the feature for your trigger to work. Here are some common settings:

SFTP clientAction
WinSCPOptions → Preferences… → Transfer → Edit… → Preserve timestamp → Disable
FileZillaTransfer → Preserve timestamps of transferred files → Disable

When the triggers encounter a new file, it will try to ensure that the new file is completely written. For instance, it is possible that the file is being written or modified, and updates are being made at the time the trigger polled the file server. To avoid returning a file with partial content, the trigger will take note of the timestamp such files which are modified recently, but will not immediately return those files. Those files will be returned only when the trigger polls again. Sometimes, this may lead a delay up to twice the trigger polling interval. This also means that the trigger does not guarantee to return all files in a single run when 'Split On' option is disabled.

Connector in-depth

For more information about the connector, see the in-dept section.

Typescript Ssh Tunnel

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

DefaultRequired parameters for creating connection.All regionsNot shareable


Applicable: All regions

Required parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Host server addressstringHost server address
User namestringUser name
SSH private keysecurestringSSH private key (the content of the file should be provided entirely as is, in the multiline format)
SSH private key passphrasesecurestringSSH private key passphrase (if the private key is protected by a passphrase)
Port numberintSFTP port number (example: 22)
Disable SSH host key validationboolDisable SSH host key validation? (True/False)
SSH host key finger-printstringSSH host key finger-print
Root folder pathstringRoot folder path.

Throttling Limits

NameCallsRenewal Period
API calls per connection15060 seconds


Typescript ssh tunnel
Copy file

This operation copies a file.

Create file

This operation uploads a file.

Create folder

This operation creates a new folder.

Delete file

This operation deletes a file.

Extract archive to folder

This operation extracts an archive file into a folder (example: .zip).

Get file content

This operation gets file contents using the file id.

Get file content using path

This operation gets file contents using the file path.

Get file metadata

This operation gets file metadata using the file id.

Get file metadata using path

This operation gets file metadata using the file path.

List files in folder

This operation gets files contained in a folder.

List files in root folder

This operation gets the files in the root folder.

Rename File

This operation renames a file.

Update file

This operation updates the file content.

Copy file

This operation copies a file.


source True string

Path to the source file

Destination file path
destination True string

Path to the destination file, including file name

overwrite boolean

Overwrites the destination file if set to 'true'

Get all file metadata
ReadFileMetadataFromServer boolean

Get all file metadata from the SFTP server after file creation is complete. If this is false, some metadata properties may not be returned such as last modified time, etc.


Blob metadata

Create file

This operation uploads a file.


folderPath True string

Unique path of the folder

File name
name True string

Name of the file

body True binary

Content of the file to create

Get all file metadata
ReadFileMetadataFromServer boolean

Get all file metadata from the SFTP server after file creation is complete. If this is false, some metadata properties may not be returned such as last modified time, etc.


Blob metadata

Create folder

This operation creates a new folder.


folderPath True string

Select a folder

name True string

Name of the folder


Blob metadata

Delete file

This operation deletes a file.


id True string

Specify the file

Skip delete if file not found
SkipDeleteIfFileNotFoundOnServer boolean

Skips deletion if a file is not found without failing action.

Extract archive to folder

This operation extracts an archive file into a folder (example: .zip).


Ssh typescript
source True string

Path to the archive file

Destination folder path
destination True string

Path to the destination folder

overwrite boolean

Overwrites the destination files if set to 'true'


array of BlobMetadata

Get file content

This operation gets file contents using the file id.


id True string

Specify the file id

Infer Content Type
inferContentType boolean

Infer content-type based on extension


The content of the file.

Get file content using path

This operation gets file contents using the file path.


path True string

Unique path of the file

Infer Content Type
inferContentType boolean

Infer content-type based on extension


Types Ssh-keygen

The content of the file.

Get file metadata

This operation gets file metadata using the file id.


id True string

Specify the file id


Blob metadata


Get file metadata using path

This operation gets file metadata using the file path.


path True string

Unique path of the file


Blob metadata


List files in folder

This operation gets files contained in a folder.


id True string

Specify the folder


array of BlobMetadata

List files in root folder

Ssh Packet Types

This operation gets the files in the root folder.


Rename File

This operation renames a file.


id True string

Select a file

New name
newName True string

New name for the file

ReadFileMetadataFromServer boolean

Get all file metadata from the SFTP server after file creation is complete. If this is false, some metadata properties may not be returned such as last modified time, etc.


Represents blob datasets metadata response


Update file

This operation updates the file content.


id True string

Specify the file

File content
body True binary

Content of the file to update

ReadFileMetadataFromServer boolean

Get all file metadata from the SFTP server after file creation is complete. If this is false, some metadata properties may not be returned such as last modified time, etc.


Blob metadata



When a file is added or modified

This operation triggers a flow when a file is added or modified in a folder. The trigger will fetch both the file metadata as well as the content of the file. The trigger relies on the last modified time of a file. If a file is being created by a third-party client, the preservation of the last modified time should be disabled in the client. Files larger than 50 megabytes are skipped by the trigger. The trigger does not fire if a file is added/updated in a subfolder. If it is required to trigger on subfolders, multiple triggers should be created.

When files are added or modified (properties only)

This operation triggers a flow when a file is added or modified in a folder. This trigger will only fetch the file metadata. To get the file content, you can use the 'Get file content' operation. The trigger relies on the last modified time of a file. If a file is being created by a third-party client, the preservation of the last modified time should be disabled in the client. The trigger does not fire if a file is added/updated in a subfolder. If it is required to trigger on subfolders, multiple triggers should be created.

When a file is added or modified

This operation triggers a flow when a file is added or modified in a folder. The trigger will fetch both the file metadata as well as the content of the file. The trigger relies on the last modified time of a file. If a file is being created by a third-party client, the preservation of the last modified time should be disabled in the client. Files larger than 50 megabytes are skipped by the trigger. The trigger does not fire if a file is added/updated in a subfolder. If it is required to trigger on subfolders, multiple triggers should be created.


folderId True string

Specify a folder

Include file content
includeFileContent boolean

If set to true, file content will also be retrieved along with the trigger response

inferContentType boolean

Infer content-type based on extension


The content of the file.

File Content

When files are added or modified (properties only)

This operation triggers a flow when a file is added or modified in a folder. This trigger will only fetch the file metadata. To get the file content, you can use the 'Get file content' operation. The trigger relies on the last modified time of a file. If a file is being created by a third-party client, the preservation of the last modified time should be disabled in the client. The trigger does not fire if a file is added/updated in a subfolder. If it is required to trigger on subfolders, multiple triggers should be created.

Ssh Typeset Function


folderId True string

Select a folder

Number of files
maxFileCount integer

Number of files returned from the trigger (1-100)


Blob metadata



Blob metadata

Id string

The unique id of the file or folder.

Name string

The name of the file or folder.

DisplayName string

The display name of the file or folder.

Path string

The path of the file or folder.

LastModified date-time

The date and time the file or folder was last modified.

Size integer

The size of the file or folder.

MediaType string

The media type of the file or folder.

IsFolder boolean

A boolean value (true, false) to indicate whether or not the blob is a folder.

ETag string

The etag of the file or folder.

FileLocator string

The filelocator of the file or folder.


Represents blob datasets metadata response

Ssh Types Of Authentication

Id string

The unique id of the file or folder.

Name string

The name of the file or folder.

DisplayName string

The display name of the file or folder.

Path string

The path of the file or folder.

LastModified date-time

The date and time the file or folder was last modified.

Size integer

The size of the file or folder.

MediaType string

The media type of the file or folder.

IsFolder boolean

A boolean value (true, false) to indicate whether or not the blob is a folder.

ETag string

The etag of the file or folder.

FileLocator string

The filelocator of the file or folder.

Ssh Types Key
