Bitwarden Discord

Bitwarden(opens new window) is an open-source password management solution for individuals, teams, and business organizations.


This is an unofficial server implementation that'sfully API compatible with all the bitwarden clients (web/mobile/desktop) Official Bitwarden self-hosted. It's touted as a feature of the Family plan all their plans. Which, at most, will set you back $40/year USD (which is cheaper than the hosted lastpass option @ $48/year USD). Bitwarden in Safari on a Mac works exactly like Bitwarden in Chrome on a PC. For that matter, the native Bitwarden program is as identical as possible across the Windows / macOS divide. So, I have this application BitWarden and I have thought of this. Add an feature on discord where you can encrypt your Password Using one Password Encryption Service. There are thousands to pick, However you must pick ONE.

🔑 Credentials

You can find authentication information for this node here.

# Basic Operations

CollectionBitwarden discount
  • Delete a collection
  • Get a collection
  • Get all collections
  • Update a collection
  • Get all events
  • Create a group
  • Delete a group
  • Get a group
  • Get all groups
  • Get members of a group
  • Update a group
  • Update members of a group
  • Create a member
  • Delete a member
  • Get a member
  • Get all members
  • Get groups of a member
  • Update a member
  • Update groups of a member

# Example Usage

This workflow allows you to create a group, add members to the group, and get the members of the group in Bitwarden. You can also find the workflow(opens new window) on This example usage workflow would use the following nodes.

The final workflow should look like the following image.

# 1. Start node

The start node exists by default when you create a new workflow.

# 2. Bitwarden node (create: group)

This node will create a new group called documentation in Bitwarden.

  1. First of all, you'll have to enter credentials for the Bitwarden node. You can find out how to do that here.
  2. Select 'Group' from the Resource dropdown list.
  3. Select 'Create' from the Operation dropdown list.
  4. Enter documentation in the Name field.
  5. Click on Execute Node to run the node.

In the screenshot below, you will notice that the node creates a new group in Bitwarden.

# 3. Bitwarden1 node (getAll: member)

Bitwarden Discord

This node will get all the members from Bitwarden.

Bitwarden discount
  1. Select the credentials that you entered in the previous node.
  2. Select 'Member' from the Resource dropdown list.
  3. Select 'Get All' from the Operation dropdown list.
  4. Toggle Return All to true.
  5. Click on Execute Node to run the node.

In the screenshot below, you will notice that the node retrieves all the members from Bitwarden.

# 4. Bitwarden2 node (updateMembers: group)

This node will update all the members in the group that we created earlier.

  1. Select the credentials that you entered in the previous node.
  2. Select 'Group' from the Resource dropdown list.
  3. Select 'Update Members' from the Operation dropdown list.
  4. Click on the gears icon next to the Group ID field and click on Add Expression.
  5. Select the following in the Variable Selector section: Nodes > Bitwarden > Output Data > JSON > id. You can also add the following expression: {{$node['Bitwarden'].json['id']}}.
  6. Click on the gears icon next to the Member IDs field and click on Add Expression.
  7. Select the following in the Variable Selector section: Current Node > Input Data > JSON > id. You can also add the following expression: {{$json['id']}}.
  8. Click on Execute Node to run the node.

In the screenshot below, you will notice that the node updates the members of the group.

Bitwarden Discount Code

# 5. Bitwarden3 node (getMembers: group)

Bitwarden Discussion


Bitwarden Discount

This node will get all the members in the group that we created earlier.

  1. Select the credentials that you entered in the previous node.
  2. Select 'Group' from the Resource dropdown list.
  3. Select 'Get Members' from the Operation dropdown list.
  4. Click on the gears icon next to the Group ID field and click on Add Expression.
  5. Select the following in the Variable Selector section: Nodes > Bitwarden > Output Data > JSON > id. You can also add the following expression: {{$node['Bitwarden'].json['id']}}.
  6. Click on Execute Node to run the node.

In the screenshot below, you will notice that the node retrieves the members in the group.